
Genesis 1–11 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Claus Westermann’s 3-volume commentary on Genesis stands as one of the most exhaustive treatments of the first book of the Bible available today. The first volume of Westermann’s commentary introduces readers to the first eleven chapters of Genesis. For each section of Scripture, Westermann translates the text, introduces the literary form and the setting in life, offers a detailed commentary,...

indicates in unmistakeable terms that all human relationships with the rest of creation are to be determined by one’s rule over the animal world. Language preserves something of this when it uses “dominion” in a transferred sense to describe mastery; one masters an art or a craft or a language. Strictly speaking what is meant is a relationship to a living being. [1:27b*] “Male and female he created them.” This pair of words is typical of the language of P. It occurs with reference to humans in Lev
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